Cryptonote Market Cap: $2,367,130,576 24h Volume: $47,930,033 Exchanges: 33 Coins: 78 (28 tradable) Bitcoin BTC $66,687 Monero XMR $121
Updated: 2 min ago Status: Active / Listed
Quantum (QRL)


(-3% )
0.0000046 BTC

17.1 Mh/s




4.3 BTC

1.6 QRL

Last reward



Current Diff
1h AVG Diff
24h AVG Diff
24h AVG Diff
24h AVG Diff
Quantum Rewards QRL 0.27 0.27 0.24 1.68 7.21
Revenue BTC 0.0000012 0.0000012 0.0000011 0.0000078 0.000033
Revenue USD $0.082 $0.081 $0.074 $0.52 $2.22
Current Diff
1h AVG Diff
24h AVG Diff
24h AVG Diff
24h AVG Diff
Quantum QRL Blocks 0 0 0 1 4
Rewards QRL 0 0 0 1.6 6.39
Revenue USD $0 $0 $0 $0.49 $1.96
Quantum mining pools
Pool Name Merged Fee % Min Pay Miners Mh/s Status 0.3 1 3 0.007 9 min ago 0 1 4 0.015 9 min ago 0.7 0.5 4 0.021 9 min ago 0 1 4 0.11 9 min ago 0.9 0.5 57 2.22 6 min ago 0.9 1 177 10.1 6 min ago
Quantum markets
Exchange Pair 24h QRL 24h USD Last check
MEXC MEXC QRL/USDT 931,667 $285,949 21 min ago
XT.COM XT.COM QRL/ETH 19,916 $6,469 2 day ago
LBank LBank QRL/USDT 1,997 $616 4 hour ago
XT.COM XT.COM QRL/USDT 13.7 $3.87 10 hour ago


Based upon the understanding that popular existing cryptographic signature schemes (such as ECDSA) in the cryptocurrency space are vulnerable to a sufficiently powerful quantum computer running Shor’s algorithm, QRL is addressing what will be a singular threat to the security of cryptocurrency going forward – the inevitability of quantum computing.

AnnouncedDec 2016
Forked fromOriginally
Hashing algoRND X
Block time60 sec
Decimal places9
Last reward1.6
Current height3,077,715
Historical dataJSON
CN V708. Aug 2018
RND X09. Apr 2020
*Only coins listed on the Cryptunit are shown.

White paper

Why QRL?

Based upon the understanding that popular existing cryptographic signature schemes (such as ECDSA) in the cryptocurrency space are vulnerable to a sufficiently powerful quantum computer running Shor’s algorithm, QRL is addressing what will be a singular threat to the security of cryptocurrency going forward – the inevitability of quantum computing.

A look into the future

We never like to bet against the future. The development of Quantum Computing has been non-linear up to this point, and we believe that is a trend that will continue into the future. With this in mind, we believe that there is no time like the present to prepare. The current state of Quantum Computing would have been hard to predict 5 years ago, and near impossible to predict 10 years ago. This is good to keep in mind whenever reading overly specific predictions about the technology that project out that far into the future.

Future proofing the blockchain

QRL provides a blockchain that is resistant to both conventional and quantum computing attacks. The future of the internet will be built on decentralized protocols and abstraction layers, and we plan on being ready for that future, as well as any sudden quantum computing development (“Y2Q”) that may usher in that reality sooner than expected.

Our blockchain will utilize the previously vetted, provably secure Extended Merkle Signature Scheme (XMSS) to ensure that our network is resistant to quantum computing attacks. We aim to secure our network against not only the inevitability of quantum computing, and all that implies for the blockchain and cryptocurrency space, but also the potential for a black swan event to rapidly and irreversibly advance the technology with no immediate warning.

By utilizing an address format that allows us to change hash functions down the line if necessary, we have created a blockchain that is both secure today and adaptable tomorrow.

QRL Wallpapers, Banners, Covers
AMD EPYC 7501 11,900 h/s
AMD EPYC 7551 11,900 h/s
AMD EPYC 7601 11,900 h/s
AMD EPYC 7451 11,340 h/s
AMD EPYC 7401 11,130 h/s
AMD EPYC 7351P 9,800 h/s
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QRL Hiscores!

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