Cryptonote Market Cap: $2,284,938,016 24h Volume: $57,283,587 Exchanges: 27 Coins: 78 (29 tradable) Bitcoin BTC $63,354 Monero XMR $117
Updated: 16 min ago Status: Active / Not listed
Infinium - 8
Infinium - 8 (INF)



0.3 Mh/s





1.93 INF

Last reward



Current Diff
1h AVG Diff
24h AVG Diff
24h AVG Diff
24h AVG Diff
Infinium - 8 Rewards INF 2,927 2,972 3,347 23,428 100,404
Revenue BTC 0 0 0 0 0
Revenue USD $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Current Diff
1h AVG Diff
24h AVG Diff
24h AVG Diff
24h AVG Diff
Infinium - 8 INF Blocks 1512 1538 1748 12237 52446
Rewards INF 2,926 2,971 3,346 23,426 100,403
Revenue USD $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Infinium - 8 mining pools
Pool Name Merged Fee % Min Pay Miners Mh/s Status
Superblockchain 1 5 1 0.22 5 min ago
Infinium - 8 markets
Currently unknown

Please visit the Infinium - 8 website to find out more.

Cryptunit uses data provided by CoinGecko
Infinium - 8

Infinium - 8

Infinium-8 (INF8) launched 7/18/2014. The open source reference implementation of CryptoNote was coded from scratch based on the CryptoNote reference implementation, and is not a fork of Bitcoin.

AnnouncedJul 2014
Forked fromOriginally
Hashing algoCN ASIC
Block time45 sec
Decimal places12
Last reward1.93
Current height7,523,553
Historical dataJSON
CN12. May 2019
*Only coins listed on the Cryptunit are shown.

Infinium-8 (INF8) launched 7/18/2014. The open source reference implementation of CryptoNote was coded from scratch based on the CryptoNote reference implementation.

2015-2020 Hard times

Many developers tried to get over infinium project, the first one was user called "Nimoria" (2015) on github has tried to resume development of infinium network with fix of old seed nodes and making pull request to original infinium repo, but with no sucess. Next one was campurro (2019) trying to work on infinium, he fixed compilation of original code in GCC 5 and was hosting seed nodes and mining pool a long time, but even he left the project. The next was helium2017 creating discord group for infinium-8 at begining of 2020 and hosting pool and seed node. Helium2017 was the last person hosting infinium node when the next development team came.

October 2020 New start

In the october 2020 Jacob and 313 meet and started chatting about infinium coin. Jacob start's infinium pool for himself and 313, but he doesn't like the old code and both know in order to make the network functional again it will need at least code modernization. After many jacob's attempts he settled with bytecoin v3.4.2 as base code from what he made a fork and modified it to be compatible with infinium network and he made the first hardfork.

November 2020 Infinium 2.0

- infinium 2.0.0 with fixed inflation bug, and also lowered the the block reward in half. This version wasn't perfect, but infinium was finally usable again.

- infinium 2.0.1 with fixed bug with connection between seed nodes and added checkpoints after 2.0.0 hardfork and the network is realy to shine in new light

November 2020 Infinium 2.0.2

Infinium total supply calculation was fixed in this version, becouse the original calculation mechanism was not good enough and total supply variable was overflowing. You can see details of update here. And becouse of this update we can finally know how much infinium is currenty in circulation ~ 47122953 INF in circulation

INF Wallpapers, Banners, Covers
Infinium - 8Infinium - 8Infinium - 8Infinium - 8Infinium - 8Infinium - 8Infinium - 8Infinium - 8Infinium - 8Infinium - 8Infinium - 8Infinium - 8Infinium - 8Infinium - 8Infinium - 8
Halong DragonMint X2 248,000 h/s
Baikal N240 240,000 h/s
Innosilicon A8 Plus 240,000 h/s
Bitmain Antminer X3 220,000 h/s
Innosilicon A8 160,000 h/s
Halong DragonMint X1 124,000 h/s
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