Рыночная капитализация: $2,343,455,769 Объем за 24ч: $42,962,653 Обмены: 31 Валюты: 78 (31 ходкий) Bitcoin BTC $63,845 Monero XMR $120
Обновлено: Статус: Не активен / Не показаны
Solace (SOLACE)



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SolaceCoin is a Crypto Currency wanting to make the world a better place one block at a time. With the help of our vastly growing community we want to put Crypto Currency back in the limelight with positivity.

ОбъявленныйApr 2018
Разветвленный от SUMO
Майнинг АлгоCN Heavy
Время блока0 сек
Десятичные знаки7
Награда за блок0
Текущий блок0
Исторические данныеJSON
CN Heavy27. Nov 2018
* Монеты, перечисленные на Cryptunit показаны.

Ticker: SOLACE
Algorithm: Cryptonight Heavy (Technical Overview)
Block Window Time: 60 Seconds
Total Supply: 21 Billion
Block reward +- 6000 as block reward varies
Solace Coin are using Camel distribution that accelerates over years and block reward changing every month. We forked the great work of the Ombre Team.


SolaceCoin is a Crypto Currency wanting to make the world a better place one block at a time. With the help of our vastly growing community we want to put Crypto Currency back in the limelight with positivity.

Currently we are a team of 3 developers that are set on a mission to make the world a better place. This might sound unrealistic right now  but we all know the potential of Blockchain technology and over past decade with have saw it grow exponentially. Our vision is to take CryptoNote to the next level by having a separated wallet that is viewable by the community and then slowly sell these coins and donate them to Charities that are chosen by ‘YOU’ the miners/community. We strongly believe that transparency is a requirement for this to be a success, Solace Coin want to earn the trust of our Community as this is how we will grow.

The key to a successful project is dedication and our small team are 100% dedicated to the cause as we all have Charity in our hearts, We have been through life situations that have opened our eyes in the world of Charity. No matter how large/small our donations are we believe that it all helps others through desperate times.

We are realistically giving to Charity at no cost, We are generating wealth for our miners and at the same time we are also sending these funds to causes that really matter.

SOLACE Обои, баннеры, обложки
CRYPTUNIT услуга предоставляется бесплатно. Сайт содержит мнение только в ознакомительных целях и не является инвестиционным советом.

Мы не продаем монеты! Если вы хотите купить несколько монет, вы можете сделать это вот. Вы ищете больше хэш-мощности или хотите просто попробовать майнинг? Ты можешь это сделать вот.

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