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BLOC Paper Wallet

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BLOC Paper Wallet подробности

The main purpose of a paper wallet is to quickly create a wallet to start receiving funds. This website will create for you a paper wallet to stock BLOC safely. Basically it creates your abLoc address, your private spend key, your private view key and a mnemonic seed + a PDF to print. Then you can use this informations later to restore your wallet on the desktop app or CLI.

You will not be able to spend or send your funds to other people until you set up a CLI or Desktop (GUI) Wallet.

You can view a guide on how to make a wallet here

Making A Paper Wallet on an Internet-Connected Machine

Go to this link and follow these steps:

Note: All generation is done client side, and no information is sent to the server

Generating the Wallet

It is very simple:

1. Click on the big button GENERATE A BLOC PAPER WALLET

2. it will generate : Your personnal BLOC wallet address. It is safe to share your public address (used to receive coins)

3. A PRIVATE VIEW KEY. You may give your view key for someone to monitor your wallet without having access to spend it.

4. A PRIVATE SPEND KEY. Spending control over the wallet.

5. A MNEMONIC SEED is a collection of random words which need to be put in the right order to restore access to the wallet.

6. Never share with anyone the seed words and the private spend key. This are your private keys with full control of spending from your wallet.

7. Click DOWNLOAD PDF PAPER WALLET this is your paper wallet ready for print.

8. Print the first page using recto-verso option while printing so it can print the both sides.

9. Once printed, follow cutting lines and fold it. We recommend to print the paper wallet on a more heay/thick paper than usually.

10. Your paper wallet is ready

11. Save the Seed Phrase, the 25 words in the red box, safely.
Anyone who has access to this can access your funds and has complete control over your wallet.

12. Save the Spend Key and the View Key, the two very long strings of (seemingly) random letters and numbers, safely.
Anyone who has access to this can access your funds and has complete control over your wallet.

13. Save the View Key, very long strings of (seemingly) random letters and numbers, safely.
For someone to monitor your wallet without having access to spend it. it's like: Hey! You can look, but you can't touch

Другое BLOC.money Бумажники

BLOC Desktop Wallet

BLOC Desktop Wallet

Desktop (Windows, Linux, MacOS)
BLOC Mobile Wallet

BLOC Mobile Wallet

Mobile (iOS)

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