Cryptonote Kapitalizacija: $2,304,587,598 24h obim: $44,590,245 Menjačnice: 32 Coini: 78 (31 za trgovanje) Bitcoin BTC $64,318 Monero XMR $118


Cryptonote Web Rudar
Web Sajt
* prikazani su samo coini koji su izlistani na Cryptunitu. Moguće je da je podržano rudarenje i drugih coina. Poseti stranicu softvera da saznaš više.

CoinIMP detalji

CoinIMP is the new effective JavaScript miner that can be easily embedded in your website. Browser mining is an excellent alternative to ads. This way web mining users will pay you with their CPU power for accessing your content.

With CoinIMP, Monero and Webchain are mined by using your visitors' CPU resources which otherwise would be wasted. Why not Bitcoin, Ethereum or any other? Because Monero's value is quite high and can be mined with similar efficiency by CPU and GPU that mining other cryptocurrencies with CPU makes no financial sense. Webchain shares that CPU profitability feature and it's a new coin with a value on the cryptocurrency market that is expected to grow.

Our JavaScript miner has more advantages than other JavaScript mining solutions. CoinIMP web miner isn't blocked by Anti-Viruses or AdBlockers and if it eventually gets blocked, we react and work hard to unblock it. We think responsible web browser mining will be part of the future ad market.

CoinIMP Dashboard


CRYPTUNIT servis je potpuno besplatan. Svi podaci na sajtu su samo informativnog karaktera i ne sadrže savete za investiranje.

Mi ne prodajemo coine! Ako ipak želite da kupite neke coine možete to uraditi ovde. Ako vam je potrebno više hardverske snage ili samo želite da probate rudariti. Pokušajte ovde.

Izračunajte koliko je profitabilno rudariti sve ostale coine koji koriste razne algoritme
Coinzilla Set up your crypto advertising campaign within minutes!