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AEON is moving to Kangaroo12 algo (block #1146200)

Tuesday, October 22, 2019 | Aeon

AEON will be removed from Cryptunit and listed on

New software release implementing a network upgrade hard fork on October 25 containing numerous protocol and implementation improvements.

AEON Aletheia (

This mandatory release removing the ASIC-resistant PoW and replacing it with the faster-to-verify and ASIC-friendly (currently FPGA-friendly) Keccak-based KangarooTwelve (K12) algorithm. The use of K12 for PoW was reviewed and approved by the Keccak-team, developers of Keccak/SHA3.

It also contains numerous other improvements for reduced transaction size, improved fungibility, safer long-term blocksize growth, and dozens of performance and reliability patches.

The mainnet fork date is scheduled on October 25 (height 1146200).

Changes include:

- KangarooTwelve (K12) Keccak variant PoW for FPGA- and eventually ASIC-friendly protocol stability
- Borromean signatures for smaller transactions
- Tighter big bang protection preventing exponential blockchain growth
- Consensus lock time aligned with reference wallet preventing alternate wallets from damaging fungibility
- Fixed ring size at 3 for improved fungibility
- Gamma-distribution selection on non-RCT outputs for better ring member ambiguity
Improved non-RCT tx output selection for reduced transaction linkages
- Upstream reliability and performance improvements
- AEON community-contributed improvements

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