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Equilibria (XEQ) is moving to Cryptonight GPU algo

Sunday, November 3, 2019 | Equilibria

The Equilibria 'Portland' v6 Fork will include decreased emissions, shorter block times, increased privacy, and a PoW algorithm change (CN-GPU).


- Daily emissions go down from ~30,000 XEQ to ~12,000 XEQ.
- Smaller bulletproofs
- Increased privacy through increase of required mixin to 15
- Change of version name system
- Increase SN deregistration grace period
- Proof of Work algorithm change (CN-GPU)
- Block time decrease from 3 minutes to 2 minutes

Fork v6

Fork v6 will occur on block 181,056 (~Nov 16th 2019). This fork mainly focuses on removing ASICS/FPGAS from the network. The team wants to regain community support and with this community mining. The original plan was for Cuckaroo29 however it was changed to CN-GPU. CN-GPU gives a better playing field to both Nvdia and AMD GPUS.
The yearly inflation of coin emissions will be lowered from ~11,000,000 to ~4,000,000.
To meet our roadmap goal of scaling down emissions prior to USDE mainnet, the block reward is being cut from ~68 XEQ per block to ~17. However, the effective reward reduction is not as severe as we are increasing the number of found blocks per day (to improve transaction speeds). The result is approximately a 2/3 reduction in emissions for XEQ v6.
Smaller bulletproofs will be introduced to lower bulletproof size in transactions.
The oracle node “grace period” has been raised to 24 hours to allow operators to have a chance to fix their node. On 10/28/2019 there was a mass deregistration, the cause has been linked to a version check glitch where nodes were being kicked off due to a v6 node being put online. The version check has been removed for now and will be revisited with a better solution.
The required mixin has been moved up to 15. This will increase the privacy of XEQ senders.
With this update we will be moving away from element version names. Version names will be changed to Oregon cities.

Read more:
Learn more about Equilibria

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