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Android Mining Profit Calculator

Thursday, November 7, 2019 | Cryptunit

Perhaps every person or company that deals with mining has faced the issue of profitability. Profitability and payback depend on many things. This is the cost of equipment, electricity, pool commission. However, the most important is the choice of the mined coin.

We present to your attention an application that will help you in a couple of clicks to find the most profitable coin for mining - Mining Calculator App.
Mining Profit Calculator is an App that calculates the reward from your mining based on the selected algorithm, power consumption, power cost and pool fee. ASIC and CPU mining also present.

App shows the most profitable coin for mining at this moment.

The application has a large list of the most relevant and profitable algorithms for both video cards and ASICs.

You also have access to the Rig constructor from AMD and NVIDIA video cards, with which you can assemble a virtual Rig and check its profitability.
You can save your configuration so you don’t have to reassemble your virtual rig again

There is also a list of cryptocurrencies with their current value and a visible change in price

Download Mining Calculator App (Google Play)


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Mi ne prodajemo coine! Ako ipak želite da kupite neke coine možete to uraditi ovde. Ako vam je potrebno više hardverske snage ili samo želite da probate rudariti. Pokušajte ovde.

Izračunajte koliko je profitabilno rudariti sve ostale coine koji koriste razne algoritme
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