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DERO Hard Fork: New POW - AstroBWT - One CPU, one vote!

Thursday, March 5, 2020 | Dero

AstroBWT is new POW mining algorithm that aims to reduce the performance advantage of GPU, ASIC, and FPGA hardware to allow for competitive CPU mining.

AstroBWT is an open source proof-of-work that was based on one-CPU-one-vote. With help from the data transformation algorithm, Burrows-Wheeler Transform (BWT), we are able to reduce the performance advantage of specialized hardware, fairly distribute mining rewards, and come to a majority decision via CPU power from our network of nodes. 

DERO Hard Fork Date: March 7, 2020 ~0200 GMT (Block: 4550555)

Main Points

- Long key sizes and iterations to reduce FPGA performance
- Random numbers to hinder GPU parallel processing
- Dynamic and new operations with longer computation cycles to reduce ASIC performance

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