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Cryptunit Novosti

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Wednesday, November 14, 2018 | Conceal


All users, pools, exchanges, and service operators should upgrade to version 5.1.0 as soon as possible. As some of you may be aware, there was a chain split event and the changes in this version are the first steps towards mitigating that threat. The changes are:

- Limit reorganization depth to mined money unlock window (10 blocks)
- Do not reorganize to alternative chain if it lacks at least one transaction from the public chain (51%-attack protection)
- Disable merged mining tag in the coinbase transaction

This release also includes the latest bootstrap of the blockchain which you should use only if you have problems syncing over the network. Here are the steps to use the bootstrap with the CLI and GUI:


Stop daemon
Delete *.dat and *.bin in ~/.conceal (linux/macOS) or %appdata%/conceal (windows)
Download and unpack fixed blockchain from the release
Download current release
Start daemon
Reset your wallet


Close Wallet
Delete *.dat and *.bin in ~/.conceal (linux/macIS) or %appdata%/conceal (windows)
Download and unpack fixed blockchain from the release
Download current release
Start Wallet
Setttings > Rescan Wallet

The releases for Windows, macOS, and Ubuntu are here:

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