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Bittrex will migrate to mainnet QRL

Wednesday, November 28, 2018 | Quantum

Quantum Resistant Ledger (QRL) will be upgrading their blockchain from an Ethereum ERC20 token to a new mainnet Proof of Work blockchain utilizing the Cryptonight v7 consensus algorithm, backed by provably secure, peer-reviewed XMSS cryptography (instead of 256-bit ECDSA).

All Quantum Resistant Ledger users will retain the balance of their QRL addresses, which will be migrated to the new blockchain.

Users' QRL Bittrex exchange balance totals will reflect the same total that they had prior to the swap in a 1:1 manner. Once the swap is complete, all tokens from the old blockchain will no longer be supported or traded on Bittrex.

Read on Zendesk
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