Cryptonote Market Cap: $2,327,109,004 24h Volume: $48,222,510 Exchanges: 32 Coins: 78 (31 tradable) Bitcoin BTC $62,760 Monero XMR $121
Updated: 10 min ago Status: Active / Not listed
MoneroV (XMV)


(-2% )
0.00000007 BTC

0.27 KG/s




0.00019 BTC

3.13 XMV

Last reward



Current Diff
1h AVG Diff
24h AVG Diff
24h AVG Diff
24h AVG Diff
MoneroV Rewards XMV 53.5 53.3 51.2 358 1,535
Revenue BTC 0.0000037 0.0000037 0.0000036 0.000025 0.00011
Revenue USD $0.24 $0.23 $0.23 $1.59 $6.83
Current Diff
1h AVG Diff
24h AVG Diff
24h AVG Diff
24h AVG Diff
MoneroV XMV Blocks 17 16 16 114 489
Rewards XMV 53.3 50.1 50.2 357 1,533
Revenue USD $0.23 $0.22 $0.22 $1.59 $6.82
MoneroV mining pools
Pool Name Merged Fee % Min Pay Miners KG/s Status
Monero Ocean 0.003 1 0 1 day ago 1.5 1 0 0 15 min ago 0.9 1 0 0 15 min ago
MoneroV markets
Exchange Pair 24h XMV 24h USD Last check
TradeOgre TradeOgre XMV/BTC 2,760 $12.1 4 hour ago


MoneroV (XMV) is a private, untraceable, finite and secure cryptocurrency fork of the Monero (XMR) blockchain. MoneroV fulfills the long overdue desire for a truly anonymous, decentralized, finite peer-to-peer electronic currency. Individuals and businesses can transact securely, reliably and anonymously with low fees using MoneroV.

AnnouncedApr 2018
Forked from XMR
Hashing algoCd29v
Block time60 sec
Decimal places11
Last reward3.13
Current height2,226,181
Historical dataJSON
CN V725. Aug 2018
RND V17. Dec 2019
Cd29v19. Jan 2020
*Only coins listed on the Cryptunit are shown.

MoneroV is swapped to the new mainnet based on RandomV algo on Dec 13, 2019.

Total Supply: 27 Million XMV
Circulating Supply: ~8m (swapped old XMV)

Road map


MoneroV (XMV) is a private, untraceable, finite and secure cryptocurrency fork of the Monero (XMR) blockchain. A hard-fork split will occur at block 1564965 (~ April the 30th, 2018) when MoneroV miners will start to create blocks on the MoneroV network.

The new MoneroV blockchain will contain the history of all Monero transactions up until block 1564965 and all Monero coin (XMR) holders will receive MoneroV coins (XMV) in the rate of 1 XMR = 10 XMV after the fork.


Capped: MoneroV adheres to core Austrian school of economics principles by capping the total MoneroV coins that can be created, parting with Monero’s infinite coin supply structure.

Secure:  Decentralized peer-to-peer blockchain transaction consensus enables MoneroV to be secure and reliable.

Private:  MoneroV is truly anonymous and private. Sending and receiving addresses are obfuscated, as well as all amounts being transferred in all transactions. Your identity cannot be linked or traced to a transaction on the MoneroV blockchain.

How MoneroV is different from Monero?

MoneroV has a limited supply of coins in contrast to Monero’s infinite coin supply.

MoneroV and Monero's proof of work algorithms are on a different development path, as MoneroV's will focus on mitigating the mass use of botnets and unsuspected browser-based miners.

MoneroV will have an active development fund that would be used for rapid development and feature integration versus Monero's voluntary donation based development process.

In addition, MoneroV will implement new protocols that will solve the scaling problems facing Monero and other cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin. 

XMV Wallpapers, Banners, Covers
Recommended XMV Software
Nvidia 3080 14.3 G/s
Nvidia 3090 13.9 G/s
Nvidia 2080Ti 12 G/s
Nvidia 3070 10.3 G/s
Nvidia 2080 9.9 G/s
Nvidia 3060Ti 9.7 G/s
MoneroV Wallets
XMV Widgets for your website
XMV Hiscores!

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