Cryptonote Market Cap: $4,021,574,512 24h Volume: $50,840,983 Exchanges: 29 Coins: 78 (22 tradable) Bitcoin BTC $81,910 Monero XMR $210

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To stop blocking ads on the Cryptunit:
1. Click the AdBlock button in the browser toolbar and select Don't run on pages on this site.
2. In the Don't run AdBlock on... window, click Exclude. The page reloads automatically.

If you change your mind later, click the AdBlock button and select Enable AdBlock on this page.

3. Make your pool sponsored!

A spotlight on your pool is the smart way to get your pool noticed!
1. Find the pool on the coin page and click on the make sponsored button.
2. Choose the duration of promotion, and pay in bitcoin.

The whole process is Self-Service So You Can DIY Your promotions. When the payment is received (1 confirmation) your pool will be displayed as sponsored.

Pool will appear as a sponsored in the mining pools table.

4. Make your Exchange sponsored!

A spotlight on your exchange is the smart way to get your exchange noticed!
1. Find your exchange here
2. Click on the make sponsored button.
3. Choose the duration of promotion, and pay in bitcoin.

The whole process is Self-Service So You Can DIY Your promotions. When the payment is received (1 confirmation) your exchange will be displayed as sponsored.

Exchange will appear in right column on frontpage.

CRYPTUNIT service is provided for free. Site contains opinion for informational purposes only and does not constitute investment advice.

We do not sell coins! If you want to buy some coins you can do it here. You're looking for more hashing power or You want just to try mining? You can do it here.

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