Markets: 1
CN Pairs: 1
Type: Centralized
Chainrift Cryptonote Markets
Coin | Pair | 24h Coins | 24h USD | Last check |
Chainrift details
ChainRift is a cryptocurrency exchange launched by 21MIL, a consultancy and development team dedicated to building products and services around the Bitcoin space. ChainRift was built when we felt there was a need for a user-friendly and functional exchange, targeting casual users as well as seasoned traders. We offer an intuitive trading platform that allows you to execute orders in lightning-quick fashion, without overcomplicating anything.
Intuitive Interface
Our team is made up of talented developers and network engineers who are also tenured traders. This means that ChainRift is not only a secure platform that keeps your assets safe at all times, but is also a fast, efficient and easy-to-use system.
The trading platform has gone through multiple iterations leading up to the current version - and we’re not done yet! Being on the leading edge of technology, ChainRift is constantly growing and evolving, and your feedback is integral to that process.
Secure Storage
Securing user funds and private information is ChainRift's number one priority. Our experienced team is constantly monitoring and improving the infrastructure to minimize and eliminate potential attack vectors. The following list goes into more detail about how seriously we take security:
Complete DDoS protection to keep ChainRift's trading platform functional at all times
We utilize a leading DDoS provider for all public facing content and cache all static content on a CDN to provide the fastest possible load times
Bulk of assets safely stored in cold wallets to ensure user funds safety
The vast majority of user funds are stored in offline cold wallets. Only a small percentage of assets are available in hot wallets for day-to-day operations
Scalability ensured through tiered design from ChainRift's inception
Multitier architecture allows ChainRift greater scalability, room for integration and flexibility to handle a dynamic and growing userbase
ChainRift website and trading platform secured with SSL
We utilize SSL to ensure that all data passes between the ChainRift web server and users' browsers remain private and integral
Application security
We use security best practices to predict and prevent a multitude of attack vectors on the ChainRift trading platform, including and not limited to SQL injections & XSS attacks. Additionally, passwords and all sensitive data is further encrypted with static & random salt
2-factor Authentication as a security standard for all staff members and available for users
All staff members are obligated to utilize 2-factor authentication to eliminate internal security risks. Additionally, ChainRift allows users to add an extra layer of security to their accounts and daily operations through 2-factor authentication. Google Authenticator is supported.
Real-time Trading
We facilitate trading between bitcoin and ethereum as well as multiple smaller market cap coins which we have identified to have their own utilities. If the coin you’re interested in trading is not on our list, then go ahead and fill out our coin addition request form.
Here are the list of features that builds up to ChainRift’s real-time trading engine:
- No feature bloat. Minimal clicking necessary to get trading done in a quick but effective manner.
- Super fast matching engine to guarantee trades get executed in milliseconds
- Market data always kept up-to-date to ensure you're trading at the right prices all the time
- Highly scalable architecture that allows the trading platform to perform seamlessly at peak capacity
- Customer support as a cornerstone feature. We strive to answer all support queries within 24 hours or less.
Highest Paying Referral Program
Invite your friends to trade on ChainRift and reap the rewards. Receive 50% of their trading fees for registering under your referral link. Payouts are made hourly.