Cryptonote Market Cap: $3,271,846,176 24h Volume: $70,518,500 Exchanges: 30 Coins: 78 (26 tradable) Bitcoin BTC $58,046 Monero XMR $170


Cryptocurrency Exchange
Make Sponsored 24h Vol: $379
Markets: 6
CN Pairs: 11
Type: Centralized

SouthXchange Cryptonote Markets

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SouthXchange details

SouthXchange is a currency management platform built and operated by PRO-Systems. It is designed with security, simplicity and usability in mind. We believe cryptocurrencies have the potential to change the world, and our mission is to provide the required tools to make it happen. The first tool implemented in SouthXchange is a modern exchange platform that allows users to trade currencies. Current market needs are being identified and additional tools will be built as required.

About PRO-Systems

PRO-Systems is an Argentina-based company composed of highly trained software engineers. It has over 10 years of experience working on complex and high profile enterprise applications. Since 2012 it has been actively involved in cryptocurrency related projects.

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