Cryptonote Market Cap: $2,352,705,760 24h Volume: $49,521,360 Exchanges: 36 Coins: 78 (31 tradable) Bitcoin BTC $63,121 Monero XMR $121
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LeviarCoin (XLC)



0 Mh/s






Last reward



LeviarCoin mining pools
Pool Name Merged Fee % Min Pay Miners Mh/s Status
LeviarCoin markets
Currently unknown

Please visit the LeviarCoin website to find out more.

Cryptunit uses data provided by CoinGecko


In a few words, LeviarCoin, by its nature, is not only a software protection tool, but also a currency. Goals of XLC: Create a currency that can be easily traded or used as in-app/software currency. Build a protection library to inhibit fraud in online applications and games. Embrace open-source philosophy by releasing all source code of software, libraries and by contributing with patches.

AnnouncedDec 2016
Forked from XMR
Hashing algoCN V7
Block time0 sec
Decimal places8
Last reward0
Current height0
Historical dataJSON
CN08. Feb 2018
CN V726. Jul 2018
*Only coins listed on the Cryptunit are shown.

Ticker: XLC
Maximum Supply: 54,000,000 XLC
Block time: 60 seconds
Difficulty adjustment: Every block
Initial block reward: ~9 XLC
Coin emission rate (per block) S=Supply G=Already Generated Coins: (S - G) >> 22
P2P Port: 18001
RPC Port: 19001

White paper


"Leviar is a project that aims to create an integrated app monetization ecosystem for the publishers based on cryptocurrency and blockchain technologies."


Leviar is a project that aims to create an integrated app monetization ecosystem for the publishers, based on cryptocurrency and blockchain technologies. By

publishers, we include mobile app publishers, desktop software publishers, web apps publishers, and content creators who have control over their publishing platforms. Our goal is to help publishers get the most ROI for their apps or websites while ensuring the best experience for their users, leading to a win-win situation.

Leviar Platform

Leviar is an integrated set of tools, services, and SDKs with the main object of monetizing apps. Leviar is platform-independent (OS/hardware).

Leviar Components

Payment API

The Payment API is the set of APIs that allows developers to implement payment systems that accept Leviar Coin as payment. The main application for this API is to be used for in-app purchases or as a reward system in gamified applications.

Monetization by mining

Developers could monetize their application using Leviar’s client-side mining SDK. The mining code will be embedded with the application and will run natively on native apps and on the browser in the case of web apps. The client will mine one of Leviar’s pools and the publisher will get the coins mined in his Leviar wallet.


Users who opt out of the mining experience will automatically accept the displaying of ads on the app. Those ads will be pulled from Leviar’s advertising network partners and a system will be developed to figure out the payment structure between the network and developer without creating another middleman.

Client-Side Integration SDK

A client SDK library will be provided for publishers to integrate Leviar monetization functionality. It will use native code on every possible platform. On the web, a JavaScript library will be used.


The decentralized marketplace is a major milestone for the Leviar project. It will be the launchpad for our DRM system.


DRM over blockchain is the long-term goal of the Leviar project. Our team is working on building relationships with partners in this sector and on building all the components necessary to operate a DRM system.

XLC Wallpapers, Banners, Covers
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