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astrobwt Mining Algo Overview & Stats
Hashrate: 0 Mh/s
Coins: 1
Pools: 0
Miners: 0
Device h/s
Ryzen T 1950X 240
Core i7 7700K 110

Coins currently using AstroBWT algo

Coin Hashrate Mh/s Miners Pools

Coins previously used this algo

Coin Fork date Current algo

Short info about AstroBWT algo

AstroBWT is an open source proof-of-work that was based on one-CPU-one-vote. With help from the data transformation algorithm, Burrows-Wheeler Transform (BWT), we are able to reduce the performance advantage of specialized hardware, fairly distribute mining rewards, and come to a majority decision via CPU power from our network of nodes.

AstroBWT is based on mathematical proofs and research, unlike many other CPU mining ALGOs.

All current mining algorithms are static. To explain more simply, all current cryptocurrency mining algorithms follow data dependent branches, loops or conditions. 

AstroBWT, as the name implies, has BWT at it's core. BWT has been in research for the last 3 decades and numerous optimization attempts of GPU/FPGA have taken place. For more information on that topic, please refer to literature in the Information Theory and Compression Domains. However, all known implementations to this date, could not deliver an improvement even twice that of CPUs.

All major providers (such as INTEL, NVIDIA etc) have already provided optimized implementations of BWT. Since, BWT has been used quite often in the general information theory and compression domains, it has been a subject of intensive studies. 

In the coming months or years that AstroBWT is optimized or shown to have a significant performance boost on FPGAs, ASICs, or GPUs there would be a benefit for everyone. Such an advancement could even trigger the next revolution in Bioinformatics, Signal Processing, DNA Sequencing or other numerous domains where BWT is used. So, AstroBWT will not only serve as an ASIC/FPGA and GPU resisitant algorithm but it will aslo succeed in helping scientific research if it is optimized for these things.


Miners supporting AstroBWT algo

Miner Supported OS
XMRig CPU Windows, Linux
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