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rJDX Mining Algo Overview & Stats
Hashrate: 7.46 Mh/s
Coins: 1
Pools: 2
Miners: 89
Device h/s
EPYC 7501 11,900
EPYC 7551 11,900
EPYC 7601 11,900
EPYC 7451 11,340
EPYC 7401 11,130
EPYC 7351P 9,800
EPYC 7301 9,100
Xeon Pl 8180 8,890
Xeon 8180 8,750
Ryzen T 1950X 8,527
Xeon Gold 6148F 8,000

Coins currently using RandomJDX algo

Coin Hashrate Mh/s Miners Pools

Coins previously used this algo

Coin Fork date Current algo

Short info about RandomJDX algo

RandomJDX is a proof-of-work (PoW) algorithm optimized for general purpose CPU chip mining. Because RandomJDX uses random code execution algorithm and some memory hardware technology, so it is named RandomJDX, mainly to maintain ASIC resistance while minimizing the efficiency advantage of GPU.

RandomJDX behaves like a keyed hash function: it accepts a key. Arbitrary input and produce 256 bit results. At the bottom level, RandomJDX uses a virtual machine to execute programs in a special instruction set consisting of integer operations, floating-point operations, and branching. These programs can be dynamically converted to native code for the CPU. An example of converting a RandomJDX program to an x86-64 assembly is program.asm... A portable interpretation mode is also provided.

There are two working modes of RandomJDX algorithm:

1. Fast mode: requires 2080MB of shared memory, suitable for mining
2.Lightweight mode: requires 256MB of shared memory, but runs slowly and is good for validation


Miners supporting RandomJDX algo

Miner Supported OS
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