Cryptonote Market Cap: $2,323,288,357 24h Volume: $48,023,230 Exchanges: 32 Coins: 78 (31 tradable) Bitcoin BTC $62,913 Monero XMR $120
Updated: 4 min ago Status: Active / Not listed
Cirquity (CIRQ)


0.00000000 BTC

1.08 Mh/s




0.0000016 BTC

26.2 CIRQ

Last reward



Current Diff
1h AVG Diff
24h AVG Diff
24h AVG Diff
24h AVG Diff
Cirquity Rewards CIRQ 7,652 6,904 11,134 77,939 334,023
Revenue BTC 0.0000061 0.0000055 0.0000089 0.000062 0.00027
Revenue USD $0.39 $0.35 $0.56 $3.95 $16.9
Current Diff
1h AVG Diff
24h AVG Diff
24h AVG Diff
24h AVG Diff
Cirquity CIRQ Blocks 292 263 425 2976 12758
Rewards CIRQ 7,636 6,878 11,127 77,914 334,014
Revenue USD $0.39 $0.35 $0.56 $3.95 $16.9
Cirquity mining pools
Pool Name Merged Fee % Min Pay Miners Mh/s Status 0.8 10 2 0.0047 2 min ago 0.8 10 4 0.46 17 min ago
Cirquity markets
Exchange Pair 24h CIRQ 24h USD Last check
Vindax Vindax CIRQ/USDT 1,999 $0.1 1 day ago


Cirquity is a private, fast, secure and easy way to send money to friends and businesses. Allowing you to be your own bank.

AnnouncedJan 2020
Forked from TRTL
Hashing algoArg Chukwa
Block time30 sec
Decimal places5
Last reward26.2
Current height4,384,420
Historical dataJSON
CN Turtle27. Feb 2020
CN Lite V715. May 2020
CN Turtle05. Jan 2021
Arg Chukwa14. Apr 2021
*Only coins listed on the Cryptunit are shown.

Max supply: 1 Billion coins
Premine: NO

What is Cirquity

Our coin is based on Cryptonote technology and using CryptoNight Turtle algorithm implemented on TurtleCoin which is ASIC resistant. Our goal for Cirquity is to be used on any aspect of transactions globally.

Why Cirquity is created

Mainly because there are many limits when sending money, making transactions in different currencies or different banks and countries. The cost is high, and you have no control over it. However, using Bitcoin involves non-secure or non-anonymous transactions.

What are we doing

With the blockchain-based cryptocurrency Cirquity, transactions will be faster, private and secure. Unlike Bitcoin, Cirquity transactions are anonymous. By implementing Lite-Blocks to reduce the size of our blockchain, allowing normal users to participate in our network without having expensive equipment. Thus, building a CirqPay payment system with a minimum transaction cost to allow everyone to pay and make comfortable and fast transactions. Having a community focus blockchain, Cirquity is own by everyone allowing the decentralization of the currency.

What makes it different?

Fast Transactions

Cirquity is creating blocks every 30 seconds, as opposed to every 10 minutes. Your money travels 20x faster.

Private and Secure

Cirquity is a decentralized cryptocurrency. Every transaction is private, by default.

Mining is Easy

Cirquity comes with its own basic CPU miner, and you can also use other mining software or mining pools

Made with Love

Cirquity is open source if it's not made with love? At the touch of love, everyone becomes a poet.

CIRQ Wallpapers, Banners, Covers
TOP CIRQ Mining Devices
AMD Frontier 120,000 h/s
AMD Vega56 110,000 h/s
AMD Vega64 110,000 h/s
Nvidia 1080 110,000 h/s
Nvidia 1080Ti 110,000 h/s
AMD FuryX 70,000 h/s
CIRQ Widgets for your website
CIRQ Hiscores!

Similar by Hashing algo


2ACoin (ARMS)2.26 Mh/s
BitcoinMono (BTCMZ)36.1 Mh/s
BitcoinNova (BTN)0.011 Mh/s
Mangocoin (MNG)0.015 Mh/s
NashCash (NACA)0.036 Mh/s
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