Cryptonote Market Cap: $2,350,214,476 24h Volume: $46,381,868 Exchanges: 34 Coins: 78 (31 tradable) Bitcoin BTC $65,079 Monero XMR $121

Cryptonight Turtle

trtl Mining Algo Overview & Stats
Hashrate: 43.8 Mh/s
Coins: 10
Pools: 16
Miners: 45
Device h/s
EPYC 7601 32,500
EPYC 7551 32,250
EPYC 7501 32,000
Xeon Pl 8180 25,500
Xeon 8180 25,000
EPYC 7451 24,300
EPYC 7351P 24,000
EPYC 7401 23,850
EPYC 7301 23,500
Ryzen T 1950X 20,000
Xeon Gold 6152 17,000

Coins currently using Cryptonight Turtle algo

Coin Hashrate Mh/s Miners Pools
CPA Coin0.0002501
Zent Cash0.02321

Coins previously used this algo

Miners supporting Cryptonight Turtle algo

Miner Supported OS
CryptoDredge Windows, Linux
SRBMiner Windows
XMRigCC CPU Windows, Linux
XMRigCC AMD Windows, Linux
XMR Stak Windows, Linux, MacOS
XMRig AMD Windows, Linux
XMRig Nvidia Windows, Linux
XMRig CPU Windows, Linux
CryptoGoblin Windows, Linux, MacOS
Monero CPU Miner Windows, Linux
CN GUI Miner Windows
JCE CPU Miner Windows, Linux
JCE CPU GPU Miner Windows
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